Wednesday, July 30, 2008

A very unfortunate stabbing...

In our kitchen, the girls usually unload the silverware as one of many small chores they do very well. It helps them feel like they are participating and it means that I don't have to unload the silverware! The sharp knives the girls know not to touch unless it's in the silverware container in the dishwasher. They are allowed to hand them carefully to me and they always are careful...until today.

Nini had been a bit spacey today because Craig has been out of town on business this week. She has a tendency to close herself off and it's hard to get her attention. I was trying to focus her in helping me and she was doing a great job. She said to me, Mom, there's a sharp knife. They are supposed to warn me when they see one, pick it up, and hand it to me gently. OK honey, I reply, turn and take the knife....unfortunately, Nini had picked up two knives and I didn't see the second smaller knife she had in the same hand. It drops and lands right on the top part of my ankle where the foot bends.

Luckily, it didn't stab her foot. The small wound I have has gotten worse through day and it's been very hard to walk on it. I am not an expert on feet, but it must have hit a nerve or something, because I can hardly walk on it! Heaven sakes! I hope that it will get better over night with rest. Can you believe that tiny thing has caused so big a problem?

Lessons for mommy - #1 Never let a 5 year old handle sharp knives and #2 Wear Shoes!

Have you been stabbed? Seriously?!


Jan said...

Ouchie wawa... That is so scary. Mattie did the same thing with a knife.

I haven't been stabbed, just warned. Joking.

I can't remember being stabbed persay, but I have been cut way to many times by a broken glass, nail, things like that.

Hope all goes well and lock up the knives. Bye Michelle.

dani said...

oh, sweet michelle, i hope it is feeling better tomorrow. you know, some of the smallest injuries do tend to hurt the worst.
be careful, and keep it clean:D

linda said...

Nope, no stabbings to report from here thank goodness!

I'm so sorry about your injury. Isn't it amazing how that has really hurt your foot. Some of the smallest things hurt the worst. I hope it heals during the night and your fresh as new tomorrow!

Lisa said...

Thanks for visiting my blog and for your kind words :)

I see that you are friends with Jan....I ADORE her....seriously one of my favorite people ever.

Your blog is gorgeous. Love the colors. I'll definately be popping back by!

Tasha said...

I hope it gets feeling better! I droped a very sharp knife on the floor yesterday, narrowly missing my foot and had the same thought that I shouldn't be barefoot in the kitchen all the time!

Take care!

Megan said...

Ouch! I haven't been stabbed on the foot but I have accidentally stepped on a piece of pottery & sliced my foot open...crutches...yada yada. I love you entry on the Library Mouse. I will look for it! My kids would adore that book. Your girls are so grown up & you are as creative as ever! Take care!

Jennfer said...

Holy Cow sis. It's hard to imagine such a little poke could do so much damage!

And no, I haven't been stabbed, but I have been punched in the chest while wearing a was of aluminum foil! Another kitchen accident.

Munchkins and Music said...

Hope the foot is okay! Yes, kids and knives are not a good match. I remember one time my brother tried to take his sandwhich off the counter right as my mom was cutting it in half, and caught his finger. He is fine, but he did get cut. Kids...

Bren's Life said...

Ouch! That really stinks. I am sorry. I hope you are able to walk around better now. That has happened to me, but I was the one that grabbed it, not paying attention! Silly me!

leanne c said...

hi Michelle
yes i have been stabbed in the foot with a knife but i was the one that dropped the knife and it does hurt. After a couple of days put some peroxide on it and if it fizzes then it means their is a slight infection and the peroxide will help kill the infection

SuzanSayz said...

I sew a lot, and I always have a good sharp pair of ghinger scissors. Well about ten years ago I had just bought a new pair of ghingers and those babies are SHARP. I was sitting on the floor cutting something out. I don't remember the reason why but for some reason I put my hand down, the one holding the scissors and they slid right into my upper inside thigh. It was like they were cutting through soft butter. It hurt like crazy but it eventually healed and thanks to neosporin it never even got infected.

Marie said...

Oh dear! That is too bad. Sometimes it is the smallest wounds that smart the most. I had some sort of insect bite on my knee several months ago that ached constantly and made kneeling to pray very difficult. But if you looked at it, it was so tiny you could hardly pick it out.

Here's to a speedy recovery!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

OUCH! I had a knife fall out of a cupboard and stab my hand!