Tuesday, April 27, 2010

SPT: Two Daily Beauty Mantras

I have two daily beauty mantras:

1. Always wear a smile. AND

2. Always get dressed in real clothes - no sweats, and definitely no PJs!

Mantra #1 is easy these days. With four cuties filling my house, how can I look around and frown. #2 Mantra is a little more difficult. It would be easy to stay in comfy sweats and PJ's all day. After all, I'm constantly wiping baby spit-up off my clothes, sitting on the floor, and who's going to see me doing laundry?! My answer is Me! I find if I take time to put a cute shirt and jeans on this bigger than pre-pregnancy body - I feel better and more likely to have a better attitude... which makes smiling even easier!

If I have extra time I go to my hair. Instead of combing it out and pulling it back - I'll do this braid which stays all day and I don't have to be reminded that I may not have washed it that day! The last thing I do, which used to be my first - is make-up. It goes on much later in the day or not at all.

SPT stand for Self Portrait Tuesday. A very creative Ms. Lelly at Amuse Bouche (click here) has put together a fun way for us mom's to chronicle our daily lives through these self-portrait challenges. Join in the fun!


Marie said...

I love the braid! I wear a quick pulled-back bun most days. This would be such a cute alternative.

And yes, there is nothing that instantly improves someone's looks as much as a smile!

Lene said...

Love, Love the braid!

donna said...

I love reading your BLOG and i enjoy seeing your smile. : )

lelly said...

welcome back to SPT, michelle! what a cheerful post. (is your blog header new, as well? love in the tie in to your "no-sweats" mantra :)

Melinda said...

You are oh so true about the clothes. I know when I stay in my comfy clothes I just feel not so cute. I hope things are going well for you. Those boys have got to be getting so big!

Crystal said...

YOU ARE ADORABLE!! I love the hair!

crystal said...

Get your buns to Utah and TEACH ME HOW TO DO THAT HOLLYWOOD BRAID!!! Gorgeous!

I totally agree: i feel so schlumpy on the days I wear my stretchy pants (i.e., jammie pants), and totally better when I just wear jeans, cute flip-flops & a cute top.

Seriously--not even heels or anything frilly. Just a freakin' pair of JEANS and t-shirt with no holes.

xoxo I miss my Miss Michelle!