Sunday, July 25, 2010

Meeting an old friend.

A self-portrait in the rain @ Sturbridge Village.

I love getting together with old friends. It can be very comforting and warm-hearted to speak to someone that is part of your history and past. This Friday, I loaded the kids in the car and headed to Sturbridge Village in Massachusetts to meet one of these "old friends". The only catch to this meet was that we had never actually "met" face-to-face. We met through the blogging world sometime ago and became fast blogging friends. I lived in Montreal and she in the New England area, which made this blog meet perfect - as now we are both living in the NE.

I would have never of thought that blogging would have opened a pathway to meeting fantastically wonderful people like Amanda. I have had the opportunity to meet several "old friends" through my blog and consider it an honor to have been able to make that face-to-face connection. Here is a look at our fun outing through photos:
A door with a view.

The Sturbridge on sight pottery studio.

The "let's hide" before I take their photo game.
Goofing off in the old sturbridge school house.

Talking it up with the locals.
Playing games.

Amanda's kids, my kids (minus our babies) and our family friend all thrown in together...

My girls keep asking me when we are going to see each other again. It was a wonderful opportunity to meet Amanda. She was warm-hearted and I felt completely at ease, even though we had never met before this adventure. The rain came halfway through our walk through Sturbridge, but I would have to say - it didn't dampen any one's spirits.

Have you met any of your blogging friends?


donna said...

how cool that you met one of you blog buddies..... The blog world is amazing....
YES i have met a few of my blog buddies....

Amanda said...

What a nice post!

Thank you so much and I will second everything you said about our day. It was lovely despite the rain and a total pleasure to meet your happy clan of twins!

Days like this make me grateful for the blogging community. Can't wait to meet up again.


Jenny said...

I run into Jill every now and then at the pool. I once attended a blog party hosted by her. It was really neat meeting people whom I had only known through blogging.

Cristin said...

How fun to meet up with a blogging buddy!

It looks like your are enjoying your new location! We LOVE Sturbridge Village...{from our NH days}! So many fun/new places for you to explore...

Lene said...

I have always wanted to visit Sturbridge Village from watching the New Yankee Workshop. It looks like a wonderful place to meet a blogging buddy. I have had the chance to meet a couple of bloggers by plan and just this last week I met one by accident. Kinda fun.