Wednesday, September 7, 2011

A Bear and Turtle Makeover.

Emptied Animal Cracker Bear bin.

I just couldn't stand it any longer...I took the rest of the animal crackers from this bear container and did a bear make-over.  While the animal crackers rest peacefully in our food pantry, this bear is now found life among the little red-headed boys that run amuck in our home - one shouting "This is a car" (seriously) over and over; and the other pointing profusely at the cars and then giggling.

Mr. T (r)and the Hawk using their new repurposed bear bin.

Here you can see Mr. T and the Hawk playing intently with Mr. Bear as he is protector of the cars in our home now.  The little boy colors work perfectly in their room.  It was all put together with decoupage and some hot glue.  It did take longer then I expected thought - around an hour.

 Four years ago I found those little turtles in a fabric store and swore I would do something with the fabric.  I wanted to make a quilt out of the material, but I really haven't had time.  Instead, I decided to upstyle these very inexpensive fleece jackets by cutting each turtle out individually and sewing them onto the jackets. 

We got to wear them today since our New England weather seems to have declared winter over!

How is weather in your neck of the woods?
Do you like animal crackers?
What do you think of this new upstyling craze?


Sokphal said...

I think you are super talented Michelle! :)

donna said...

you are so talented! very cute. : )

Dacia said...

Thanks for the blog comment. I know, the gest. diabetes thing is not so fun, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it :) Love the "love" picture of your kids! So cute. Love the turtles too.

Melinda said...

That is a cute idea with the bear container. I bet the boys love it. Cute turtles!