Sunday, January 6, 2013

First Moment of 2013.

Right, so here is the official first photo of 2013!  I wanted it to be a little silly, and well, that's what we got.  From left to right, we've got me, Cici, Mr. C, Nini, and Nana -it was a mandatory photo - even Nana got into the spirit.  Nini and Cici took the lime light!

Expect this blog to be a lot busier this year!  Part of my goals this year fortunately include a lot of writing.  I can't accomplish my dream of having my writing published - if I don't write!  Walt Disney said, "All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them".  So that's it, my word of 2013 is COURAGE.  While I will still be buried in the responsibilities and joys of mother hood, I am stepping up to my own plate of dreams - taking my own stand -and writing as much as I can.  Just so we are sure, this has nothing (well mostly) to do with the fact I will be 40 in May ;)

Happy New Year to all my blog readers and I hope to see you a lot more often this year!!



Serendipity said...

"Stepping up to my own plate of dreams" -- I love that! Courage is a fabulous word. Happy 2013!

Shannon Gillman Orr said...

YES! Go Michelle!

Melinda said...

Can't wait to read all of thr writing!

Twins Squared said...

What a great picture and cute idea! And how wonderful to be moving forward to your dreams! Happy new year!