Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Sandboxes and Pretzel Dogs!

Our next door neighbor's yard is like Disneyland to my girls. First, there is the pool, 2nd the trampoline, and 3rd the seven year old girl that lives in the house. If they could, they would climb the fence jump on the trampoline, then the pool, and play for hours. Unfortunately, although a nice family, it is the custom here in Quebec, that newcomers reach out, not seasoned residents reaching out to newcomers. For whatever reasons, my efforts to get to know her have been unsuccessful.

After many weeks of good weather and the girls asking to play next door and having to turn them down, we decided to take matters into our own hands -or at least as much as renter's can. So we purchased a sandbox, with lid and a built in picnic bench and an umbrella to match. Instead of wishful stares to play next door, there is a new found joy of playing in their own yard. With this new found interest in their own toys, I am wondering what else I can put in the back yard!

Michelle's Pretzel Dogs!

One of my signature easy dishes are these Pretzel Dogs. They are so good, and with practice, I can make a batch of 10 or more in about 35 minutes. I've used the pillsbury dough in the cans, but find that actual pretzel dough makes them a hundred times better. I use the Auntie Anne's recipe and add regular hot dogs for the girls and extra big cheese filled hot dogs for us! Here's the recipe:

My oven is old, so I usually turn the dogs over so the pretzel dogs won't burn. Your oven may not encounter such a problem! But check it anyway, adding a two minutes onto them until ready.


donna said...

In our old house. We had neighbor's like that as well. They were not the friendlies people in the world.
Sounds like you made your back yard a fun place. The sandbox is so cute. Thanks for the hot-dog recipe.

Elizabeth said...

I love that sandbox and What a great recipe. Perfect to eat out on that cute bench.

Rachel Bagley Wurtz said...

My kids would go nuts for the pretzel dogs and the sandbox! What a fun addition to your backyard. We definitely need something like that. We are renters, so there is next to nothing in our yard. :(

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

Love the pretzel dogs- can't wait to try them. Fun sandbox too- it's your neighbor's loss!

Jenny said...

we alway's called these "Pigs In a Blanket" Love that you posted the reciepe. As I have been trying out some different ones. Not been happy with them. Look forward to trying it out.

Holly said...

Interesting "neighbor" custom, but sad too. Glad y'all have this new addition to your backyard--the girls will love it!

I've always made pigs in a blanket with crescent roll dough--you are my hero for making your own pretzel dough!

Amanda :-) said...

I'm glad the girls have their own little playground of a garden now! What torture that must've been!

We're the only house on our row that has small children, and I always think that's a shame for Erin. Everyone else is middle-aged or retired with grown-up children who've left home.

Our garden is big, though, so the girls have plenty of fun exploring and filling it with toys! Pop-up tents are grrrreat!! Can't recommend them enough. Erin has little teaparties and picnics in hers.

Yum to your pretzel dogs! I think I'd add honey and mustard to the grown up version!!

Lauralee said...

those pretzel dogs look like something my kids would love! thanks for sharing..
love that you got a sand box, maybe that 7 yr old neighbor will want to come and play at your home!

Curt and I have always thought we would rather have our kids friends over at our home.. so we have tried to make our backyard the fun place.. although to me it looks a little trashy my friend reminds me that someday I will be wishing I had toys strewn all over my back yard! so I try to enjoy it.. it seems to work.. and I love to know what is going on with my kids and their friends.. what they are playing, and saying and acting like.. anyway.. good move with the sandbox! looks like fun to me!

everything pink! said...

your new profile photo is gorgeous!

SHERI said...

My kids will love the pretzel dogs- thanks for the recipe.
My kids would also love that sandbox- but the sand would just end up in my house and I wouldn't love that so much