Monday, September 3, 2007

School time means me time: 2007/08 goals!

Kindergarten photo teaser!
I'm waiting until their first full day of school to post the rest!
Check on Wednesday!

We are back from our nice weekend! I would like to say that I took a stand and decided to enjoy this weekend sans camera on my own merit. However, while traveling through the sea of cars heading out of Montreal Island, I realized that my camera was back at home with the memory card in the reader. All well, I told myself! It was quite odd not having my camera with me, especially since every outing, in fact almost everyday, I've taken a picture of something we did. I was easily consoled since we've been to these cabins before and we weren't going to be doing much, other than taking it easy and heading to Burlington for my treatment. Also, it would have been disaster to go back home and get the camera - too much traffic.We had a great time and even had time to check out the LL Bean store in Lebanon, VT.
3 goals for 2007/08:
Now, back at home, I am thinking about all the things I need to do before the girls have their first full-day of school. I will post their photos this Wednesday, where I will be by myself from 9-3:30. Seriously, I haven't had 6.5 hours to myself in a long, long, long time. It will be very strange, but somehow I think I'll survive!

I will be reporting on three goals I've set for myself this school year. Here they are:

1. Write 1-3 hours a day on my writings (other than blogging). I will start with one and see how well I do at adding the hours. I'm very serious about wanting to be an author and I know this is my chance to focus and see if I will be any good at it. I will put this effort into it until Christmas, where I will evaluate how well I am able to focus and get the stories in my head on paper.

2. Run 4+ miles 5 days a week. Why? I never felt more alive and in shape than when I was running this much everyday. It was such a great feeling and I know that if I wait any longer to accomplish this goal, I will be cheating myself out of something I really enjoy. I still have the breathing ability and stamina to run this far, but I know doing it everyday will allow me to loose the 10 pounds I've been wanting to loose. I might have to start a bit slow, because I can't seem to heal my baby toe. We'll see!

3. Order and Organization. With the complexities of twins and my inability to create time for myself, I've been less organized and very disorderly in many areas. Budget, cooking, cleaning, and the list goes on. My goal is to get to the point where I am maintaining rather than catching-up. My first area will be my budget and spending, being more frugal and documenting how I spend and where vs. why, needs and wants. My second area will be concentrated on food and meal planning. My third will be to focus on organizing the house, including getting everything in it's right place. Moving, doesn't exactly allow you to know these things, because every home is different. For instance, we lived in Lancaster, CA for 15 months. We had just put closet organizers in our master bedroom, gotten the girls room situated in using space the best, etc... I want a clean organized home! That's all I ask!

So these are my goals and I know I will accomplish everyone because I have the desire and hopefully the time. What goals are you setting for yourself? How do you put your goals into effect and stick to them? Do you check yourself? I will be posting on my goals daily at the end of my posts (if I don't dedicate a post to them), a bit like how Jenny C. does her "good deed" at the end of her posts.
PS - No mispelled words!


Barb said...

Exercise and organization are a priority for me in my first year of home alone with all the kids in full day school. My sister-in-law, Christy, is a year ahead of me family-wise and she tells me I'm not going to have as much time as I think I am, but I'm out to prove her wrong!

annalisa said...

This post sounds so much like me. Of course Alexis has been in school two weeks and I was on a rant about how disorganized our house is today. I lost a $50 gift card and looking for it set me off. Once things get out of order, I hate playing catch-up trying to fix everything.
I wish I could say I would be spending my time running instead of letting my knees heel, but maybe in the spring.
But I have been writing! I put it off and saved for when I could dedicate hours at a time. It's just to hard to spend an hour here or there. You need to take off when you get into a writing grove.
Good luck with your girls in school and you are so welcome for the mail. I was thinking about you. And I don't blame you about not sending a ton of good mail. It's a lot easier when most people live fairly close to me but for you most people live far away.

Nicole said...

That's great that your making a list of goals. Not making too many here since the little dear still isn't sleeping through the night. The only ones I have made the mental committment to do is, well the house is first, and then the LA Marathon in March. Having always been a runner I keep asking myself why not? So now I have upped my training program to 6 miles 2x a week, 4 miles 3x.

donna said...

What a great goals you have. I need to sit down and write out some goals.
I think that is great that your want to write. Keep us updated on it :)

Amy said...

I lvoe your goals. I've long wanted to make myself sit & write for at least an hour a day, but I still have little kids at home all day. Oh how the excuses creep in. I hugely admire your running goal. The getting in shape is definitely one I need to act on!

Lauralee said...

I love that you want to be an author! what kinds of things do you write?

I love your goals too! I want to like you get my home organized.. I love to organize.. and have things organized, so much so I have a hard time getting things out that I like to work on.. like scrapbooking! so that is my other goal, scrapbooking and keeping up on my vinyl!

Rochelleht said...

Isn't it so great to have mom time? Grace went back to school today and I had so much time!! It was GREAT. But, unlike you, I didn't have organized goals. Just played. Shopped, sewed and cleaned. Have fun!

Kelly said...

It's so great that the school year kind of provides a second "new year" to evaluate and set goals for ourselves. I've not done this before, but I feel similarly motivated this year. Especially on the exercising and organizing front. Good luck with your goals!