Tuesday, October 23, 2007

SPT: The truthfulness of a black and white photo.

I have always had an admiration for the black and white photo. I am fascinated by the truthfulness of them. When I see a color photo I am drawn to the vivid backgrounds, the color of ones shirt, or hair. I am rarely drawn first to the face, and expressions of the people in the photo. However, when an image is in black and white, the face, to me, is the clearest and radiates the most light.

With this said, can you tell what kind of morning I had by this photo? My expression? It's definitely weariness. My Nini was just not wanting to listen this morning. It was one of those mornings where you say "You are going to school even if you don't have your shoes on." Just persistent excuses to not get dressed, and screaming because I was tyring to comb her hair. Anyway, she's hardly put together by the time we get to school, she wouldn't go in her class, and the teacher's aide had to pry her from me. Heaven's sake! How am I supposed to feel good about being a mom, when this is how we start our day?! The bright side is that we were on time!

btw - I started my can of diet coke at 10:30a.m. today!

Do you like black and white photos?
Do you enjoy looking at other people's photo album?


crystal said...

Oh don't EVER talk yourself into thinking you are not in the Amazing Mom Bracket. I always, always read your blog and think what a sweet mommy you are. No kidding.

Love your hair!

I adore B&W photos and I also adore looking at other peoples' photos! Must be why I like blog-friends so much.

How's the dress coming? Do tell!

donna said...

I am a big fan of B&W pictures. I would take all my pictures in B&W if i could.
You look so good in your picture. I so love your hair girl :)

Oh i have had so many morning like that.
I am always running around the house looking for my boy's shoes, before they go to school.
After i get done with cleaning that bathrooms. I am on my way for my diet Pepsi.

Jill said...

I think you look good in this photo. I never would have guessed that you had such a challenging morning from looking at this picture.

I also don't think 10:30 is too early for Diet Coke. I used to start at 6:15 when I'd go to work (back in the mid 90's).

I hope the rest of the day is better!

michelle said...

I too love black, and white photos! I think the picture of you is darling! You look so pretty! I hope your having a better second half of the day! :)

jenny said...

I wouldn't guess a weary morning either. You hide it well :) I really enjoy black and white photos. It also makes it easy to match for family portraits. All you need is some of the same solids (not necessarily the same color)

I hope your afternoon went much better. I started mine DC at 9am yikes!

Holly said...

Honestly, it's never too early for a Diet Coke! Think global. :)

I like your B&W SPT. Sorry for your hectic morning--you are a trooper!

Rachel Bagley Wurtz said...

What an interesting take on the black and white. I always thought they hid blemishes and imperfections, but you are right on with how well they capture the expressions! You are gorgeous in this photo, frazzled or not. Sorry for the rough morning. It's no fun starting the day that way; you deserved that Diet Coke!

My Luke acted like a snotty teenager all day (he's 5) and is sleeping in a seperate room from his brothers (they hate this) tonight. Tomorrow is a NEW day!

Natasha said...

I prefer black and white pics too.

I think starting a day with a diet coke (or even better, Coke Zero) is a great way to begin.

Hey, one of my coworkers keeps a LOCKED mini fridge under her desk with nothing but diet coke stocked in it. So yours was definitely not too early!!

Lauralee said...

oh I sure hope your day got better.. I have had many many mornings like that.. and still do..

you are so pretty.. and black and white pictures are great!

Marie said...

Love your picture. You are a beautiful woman.

Sorry the morning was so challenging. Mommying can be hard somedays.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

I too would not have quessed that you had a rough morning. I love black & white photos (case you couldn't tell from my recent post). I love seeing people's photos. Photos tell the stories of life and life's stories give the photos meaning. Smile and just breathe, this too shall pass!

Claudissima said...

yeah very deceiving...you don't look stressed at all in the picture....but I can't relate on the diet coke that early...I do admit, I crave it by mid day...with something super yummy

lelly said...

i agree, b & w photos draw me to the face first - and your face looks very calm based on the morning you described!!

Barb said...

I probably wouldn't have noticed your pretty necklace if this was a color picture. I think I look longer at black and white photos.