Monday, November 5, 2007

Bombardment #1: The blogger lunch and Halloween Dinner

My hope is to bombard my site with the past week, in hopes of getting caught-up from my uninspiring attempt to document while traveling. I thought for sure that I would feel like I missed out, but my disappointment is rather in not writing down feelings and events as they happened. I have something fun to share with you about Acorn Cottage, but I'm going to wait until I can post this last week.

The Blogger Lunch

In Michelle fashion, I was late for the blogger luncheon as I didn't plan for the drive from SLC out to Melinda's home. Her home is beautifully decorated and as she mentioned on her blog, loves toile. She has some beautiful curtains she purchased on ebay she should document for everyone. If I can recall attendees to the meeting were - Aimie, Jenn, Jill, Lindsay, Lucy, Melinda, Me, and Rachel - and I hope I'm not leaving anybody out. It's interesting meeting someone you've seen online since you are not used to them moving! Sounds silly, but it is an interesting phenomenon.

It was so great to meet dear Rachel - what a fun experience! The food was great and the talk centered around books, which I'm not at all smart enough in to debate or suggest. However, it was still fun non-the-less. One of the best parts of the day was when Melinda brought out some home made salsa her neighbor had brought to her - wow - really good!

It's interesting how many pictures I didn't get while at the luncheon, I guess I was too busy eating and talking. Here is a great picture of Jill trying to get an informal group shot! It was a lot of fun and it was exciting to meet these fabulous ladies. Now who's coming to MOntreal?!!

The "meet the in-laws" non-in-law family dinner!

The "in-law" family dinner was sans in-laws! Apparently I misunderstood this dinner, and instead of being a chance to meet the in-laws, it was a chance for Rick and Angie to have people over at their new apartment and celebrate Halloween. My feelings for this encounter were very joyous - it sounds corny - but I was entranced at the change Angie has made in my brother. At the age of 31, Rick was diagnosed as being in the Autistic Spectrum. They couldn't pinpoint one specific form of austim, but put his characteristics in with Asperger's Syndrome and High Functioning Autsim. Long story short, he's a different man from those early days of being undiagnosed to now, and our family couldn't be prouder. We truly had no expectations that he would find somebody as wonderful as Angie to spend his life and forever with!

Angie and Rick put together some fun activities; including making candy apples and carving a pumpkin; and also putting together a homemade spaghetti dinner.

The yummy candy apples, dip in caramel, dip in chocolate chips and let cool!

Here it looks like Nini is trying to dance with this Halloween skeleton!

Cici helping Rick with the pumpkin!

My mom having fun with Cici!

Our family, or should I say my husband, can be a bit eccentric as you can see from Craig's very interesting pose. So when we get together, despite some differences, we are always finding new ways to tease each other and Craig is the number one teaser especially to my dad. It's very amusing!

"eccentric" Craig, my dad, and sassy (mother-in-law)

What did you do for Halloween?
Any weddings lately?
Any fantastic news I totally missed out on?

Posting Halloween, wedding pictures, and other fun events soon. HOpe to finish make-up posts by tomorrow Tuesday!


Marie said...

Horay! You're home! I was so excited to 'see' you again.

Congratulations to your brother! How wonderful that he has improved and found someone to share his life with. Totally great. (Dirk's sister has Aspergers Syndrome)

Oh, and Christmas up in April would have made your home the butt of many jokes within mine. Generally, we are out in the cold taking down lights by New Years. BUT, I don't feel nearly the same angst about lights left up year round as I do about pumpkins left on the steps.

donna said...

What a fun time you had at the blog lunch. I am so GALD to were able to met my sister in law Rachel.

Lauralee said...

oh that is funny.. all our friends actually move? that is wierd to think about and actually experience!

fun pictures.. glad your brother found a great wife.. look forward to the acorn cottage news!