Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Teaching my children the art of embroidery - I hope!

I was completely blown away by the girl's excitement about this little project we've started for someone in our family.  Ok, more then blown away.  I was hoping to teach crocheting to them, but for the sake of the children - I opted to teach them something I thought I would have more patience teaching!
Did you know that there are five (5) main embroidery stitches: cross stitch, straight stitch, diagonal stitch, composite stitch, and looped stitch.  You can use this site here for your expert definitions on these different types of stitching.  I used the simple straight stitch  on this lesson by drawing one of my mystryoshka doll patterns (later post) on a pre-made needle point bookmark.  The hardest part really was learning how to thread the needle (the whole patience thing).  The concept of the straight stitch was very easy for them.  They needed help, sure, but they are enjoyed themselves.  I even heard one of them say I could do this all day!

They didn't do it all day but for an hour and half I was in home economic bliss, my friends.   I will produce the end results once these little beauties have been delivered to their owner. 
Do you work well when teaching these types of projects?


Nicole said...

That's very sweet. Can't wait til Danica is old enough to take on projects. She has been bugging me since 4 to have her own sewing machine and learn to knit. Embroidery may just be the ticket. Thanks for the idea.

Peppermint Patty said...

Michelle! Found your blog via facebook! So cute and crafty! Your family is beautiful and kids are darling (all four!!!).