Sunday, December 2, 2007

A tall, tall keepsake of memories.

While putting up our Christmas tree this year, I had a little Epiphany. I realized that our tree with all it's ornaments was a tall keepsake of memories. We've always stuck to ornaments that mean something to us personally and rarely put what we would label as a generic ornament up on the tree. I know that I may be the last to realize this, but at least I've finally come to your side of thinking. For instance:

We have rarely all been together as a family, but the one year were together in late 90's, my mom purchased this pickle. It came in a cute jar and tole of an old German tradition of hiding the pickle in your tree and the person who finds it is honored with good luck. Even when we didn't have the girls, we would have my mother-in-law hide the pickle and Craig and I would try to find it - or the opposite.

This ornament we purchased in Alexandria, VA. We lived here for five years and fell in love with everything about it and have lots of very fond memories here. This ornament helps us remember them.

This ornament was given to Craig by has 3rd grade teacher! How fun is that, to still have this ornament.

We just love to purchase ornaments from any traveling we've done. This ornament is one of a set of six, Craig and I picked up on a 10 day trip through Austria. We took a train from Vienna to Bratislava, Slovakia and picked these ornaments up there. It was so much fun! What are your ornament memories?

We've also started to collect ornaments with our travels with the girls, or of ornaments representing where we've lived. We decided to have these ornaments displayed as a tradition, so that we can talk about them and help them remember the trip or any memories from the experience.

On tradition that we've totally failed on is that of a real tree - rather than going fake. We were so sticker shocked at the price of a real Christmas tree in California- that we opted to buy one and am sad to say haven't gone back. It's so easy - yet, as a gal from the NW, where we only ever had live trees - I feel very embarrassed admitting our fake tree tradition. Last year we decided to purchase a small real tree so that we wouldn't feel so bad. We usually do this closer to Christmas. So without further ado here is some video of our evening decorating - this first is Cici talking about some ornaments that Craig's dad and mom made and the 2nd is putting the star on the tree, it's dark, but you get the picture:

I found a great link today to the Friend Magazine clipart - check it out here

I hope everyone is having a great weekend and look forward to hearing all about the Utah snow storm - who played in the snow this weekend? We have a storm due tomorrow, which has already cancelled some extra-curricular events - we'll see though!


Kelly said...

I also like the nostalgia factor of our ornaments. It's one of my favorite parts of decorating the tree. Your pictures look so magical!

Good luck with the storm! We were supposed to get a bunch of snow on Saturday, but it was only flakes in the sky for 20 minutes or so. No sticking. It was a little disappointing, but after seeing all the crazy storms on the news, I am feeling a little better about just being rained on.

Rachel Bagley Wurtz said...

Thanks for the clipart link! Very handy for primary and FHE!

I enjoyed your thoughts on ornaments. That's how our tree was growing up, and our collection is definitely a work in progress. I buy an ornament each year for each of the kids..something to capture that year for them.
Love the video! Still shots are always lovely, but it's neat to hear and see the cutie pies in action!

We love the snow!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks for the peek at your tree and into your memories.

Marie said...

Fun to document your special ornaments. The pickle, I must say, is my favourite.

I am a real tree girl.

donna said...

Oh what fun. That is such a good idea to get special ornaments.

Love all the pictures. I was unable to see the video.

Carrie and Troy Keiser said...

Our tree is filled with mostly homemade ornaments ... Troy's Grandma has always made them for the grandkids and the great grandkids. Troy's parents buy the kids one every year. But grandma's are the best. We're not sure if she'll be able to make them next year thoug, she is getting quite shakey.

crystal said...

I am a nostalgia-tree girl, myself. Not so much about the designer trees; Christmas should be about memories!

My brother & his wife lived in DC & then Alexandria for 3 years! (law school) When did you & Craig live there???

I'm going to swipe your idea of picking up ornaments on travels. Great thinking!

That Ceci is so dang cute.

Thanks for the Friend link! I'm having SO much fun with my December Christmas primary lessons!

We got a lot of snow here in Utah; at least I thought so until I read of YOUR storm--sheesh, what a whiteout! We sledded our guts out all weekend.

Amanda :-) said...

Oops, I've not looked at the link yet but it must be good, reading the comments so far.

We had a real tree as DINKYs (Double Income, No Kids), but every year it fell over and we'd lose one of two treasured baubles. In the end, we decided we'd rather keep the baubles safe and have an artificial one. Erin likes the 'tradition' of putting together the colour-coded branches *droops shoulders*

A pickle?? Hahaha.
My heart was in my mouth when Craig went to straighten the star. Was your heart pounding a bit? Haha.

Loving the daily stories, by the way!

Amanda :-) said...

Okay, I've looked through the link now and very useful it has proved. I was stuck for some clip art for our Jesse Tree, and this link has helped me find a few. So thank you!

Mique (as in Mickey) said...

So fun to see your girls (and hear you)...what fun memories to make. I love a little peak into your home. And I am LOVING the stories. Somehow I missed out on the last giveaway but I will be on all the rest for sure.

Claudissima said...

how cute the tree and all those memories...I am in the middle of putting ours up...I finally bought one for our family...a friend gave us one as newly weds...but I will miss my yellow lights on that one tree...this one has them white