Wednesday, August 15, 2007

I need to perfect my exits!

Taken 10 minutes ago!

Is it possible to walk into a room without any broken bones and hobble out of it with a broken pinkie toe? As I sit here typing, I am reflecting on my most recent mishap. Last night, I walk into our family room to put a game away in an ottoman storage bin. I turn to walk out of the room, begin walking, and as I step onto an area rug - the rug slips! I somehow managed to fly slightly up in the air and all 140lbs of me lands on my pinkie toe. I wish I could have had a hidden video camera installed, just to catch my git-like, or better yet - clumsy move! I winced in pain grabbing at my toe, say "OUCH" over and over again. My family was quite befuddled by what had happened, seeing as there really should be nothing to break anything on in our family room.

The funny thing is that I had made a doctor's appointment for today because my lymph nodes no the back of my neck were swollen, because of a spider bite I received while in Vermont and had made an appointment to have the doctor check it out. Of course, it's better on the day of my visit - but at least I had something to show for it. She sent me on my way with a bandage, a Hello Kitty Band aid (seriously), and some great doctor's wisdom - there isn't much we can do. So, if you see a 30 something, blond haired woman, hobbling - that would be me!

On a wonderful side note, Cici and I had another mommy daughter date. I surprised her with a dessert picnic. We were stalked the whole time by fat squirrels that seemed to think they had been invited.

Keep the tips coming! I will be making my bargain/thrift post and announcing the winners next Tuesday, August 21. Cut-off day for entering is Monday the 20th at 12:00p.m.! Click HERE to link to the TIP Challenge.


donna said...

Oh my your poor pinkie toe. So sorry !
Oh my freind Sarah got a spider bite last year. Part of her leg turned black. Take care my friend :)

SHERI said...

ouch- been there, done that a few times. So painful!

Natasha said...

At least you have a sense of humor about it though!

Marie said...

I have never seen such a painful looking toe. You poor gal. I saw the picture and thought, "how is she going to explain THAT?"

Perhaps I should send you crutches for some Good Mail. Tensure bandages maybe? Or how about stuff to baby proof your house against yourself? So many possiblities...

Jill said...

Ouch! Your toe looks awful. I broke my pinkie toe in high school and ended up hobbling all summer. It was bad news except that I could wear flip-flops all the time so that helped. It just sucks that there's nothing to be done to help it...these are modern times what's up with that?

That's a darling photo of you and Cici.

michelle said...

Ouch! Your little toe looks like it really hurts! I hope the it gets to feeling better super fast!

It sounds like you had a fun date with your daughter! How cute that the squirrels joined in. Cute little things! :)

jenny said...

Poor you, take care of that toe! Ouch. I love how you have one on one outings. Such a cute photo as well :)

Laura said...

Broken toes are the worst. Hopefully you have some great pairs of flip flops until you can wear shoes again!