Thursday, August 16, 2007

When is my turn to wear PJ's all day!

Anticipating what their friends will say about their PJ's!

My toe is doing as well as it was yesterday, although, I am feeling more confident about my hobble. Really, it's just that I don't look so pathetic when I walk. I am almost grateful, as it has taken my mind of off our recent trip to the infertility specialist. I have also felt very grateful that our summer has been so spectacular. Craig's traveling is soon to start-up again, although, I am hopeful that it won't be as bad as last year. I am also thankful because his work hours have been "normal" instead of the late evenings, where the girls don't get anytime with him. Although tonight, he had meetings until 6:30 and then had a church meeting starting at 7:00 until at least 10 p.m. So tonight isn't a great example of his summer hours, but we are still hopeful that we won't see many of these nights in the future. For now, we're just enjoying all that great family time!

Right now I'm waiting for the rest of SYTYCD to TIVO and for Craig to get home so we can watch the announcment of the winner together! I put together some snapshots of our day!
The girls got to wear PJ's to school today and wear them the rest of the day. When is my turn to wear my PJ's all day?!! Nini chose to wear her superman pj's, but we couldn't find the top. She was pretty good about settling for the cute top she's wearing now - but when I put her in pony tails - she didn't like it. She forgot all about them at school and didn't take them out until she went to bed.

Cici wanted to wear some thermal Pj's so I suggest that she might get pretty hot in them! She was more than happy to wear here little mermaid pj's! This is her blanket that she can't live without at night. It so encourages her sucking her thumb - yes even at four! When did you stop your child's thumbsucking - did it just work itself out after a certaing age?

JoAnne has been the girl's teacher since October of 2006. She was the first friendly face outside of the church! She is an excellent, fun teacher and we will miss her! They had so much fun at PJ day, in fact, they are sporting their new slippers that JoAnne gave each of her students.

Today was my date with Nini! We were planning to have a candy picnic, but the weather was hit or miss today, so we opted for Orange Julep (shown in the picture), a trip to Walmart, the library (where we got soaked running to the car in the rain), and a quick stop to get a slushy on the way home. My favorite part had to of been running in the rain together to the car!


Thank you to Amanda who sent this soooo cute package of goodmail! What a fun package of bubble bath, cute card, and a very creative old-fashioned hand shaows book - very unique and cute!

Great idea Jill, taking a picture of your goodmail! Thanks for the kind words and thank you card!


sista # 2 said...

Fun Pjs.Cute teacher & you, Great pix ;) Your toe is bringing back painful memories of my right foot baby toe being broken and dislocated, hanging off my foot!!

I will be making my blog private soon -I would like to get your email address so I can add you to the 'invites'.Janae

Marie said...

Thumb-sucking: I was a thumb-sucker to a late age (4-5years old). It did not work itself out. My mother was worried about any dental rammifications. Finally my parents took me to the dentist and got me these braces that put prickly things on the roof of your mouth so when you started to suck your thumb it would poke you. It was horrible. I used to fall asleep sucking my thumb, and when I got the braces I couldn't fall asleep. But, they worked and I quit sucking my thumb. I hope Cici doesn't ever need them.

Holly said...

So sorry about your poor toe! I hope it starts to feel better soon. Your girls look so cute and it sounds like PJ day was a hit. How fun!
A. sucked on two of her fingers, then went down to one and even that seems to have tapered off now, she's almost 4. I bet they will grow out of it soon.
Good mail rocks--enjoy!

michelle said...

Cute pictures of the girls in their P.J.'s. I am sure they thought that was fun! I too want a P.J. day! I don't see that happening in the near future! I hope your toe gets to feeling better.

Lauralee said...

great pictures.. your girls are adorable.. fun teacher.. awesome slippers! fun goodmail! sounds like life is good.. well, hope the toe is feeling better soon!

Christensen Family said...

I am still trying to cure my 6 year old of the thumbsucking! Every night before I go to bed I check on my girls, and once or twice a week I still have to remove her thumb. It's funny because she'll be "cured" and then something big happens, like a move, or sleeping alone in her own room, or getting sick and then we have to start the process all over again. It's so hard to get mad though because it is just so self-comforting!

jenny said...

I remember PJ day at my kids preschool. It was one of their favorites.

So what did you think about Sabra winning?? I was happy with any of the four. It was a fabulous show last night don't you think?

Heffalump said...

I never had a thumb sucker, but I WAS one. I didn't quit until I was about 14 (but I only sucked my thumb at night). I have had relatives (cousins and a sister) who sucked all the way into their 30's.

Natasha said...

Adorable girls as usual! My kids love school PJ day as well. Why didn't they do that when we were kids?!

Rebekah said...

Pajama day was always my favorite day at school!